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Healing for Parenting sm new
God built us with the ability to heal, through healthy relationships with Him and the people He put in our lives. Juggling healing for ourselves and our children, along with the day to day requirements of parenting is not an easy job. It requires an understanding of how God made us, how He parents us through hardship, and some of the tools that can help our children heal. There are no easy answers to difficult circumstances, and there are no cookie cutter solutions. We do have Biblical examples of how He loves us, and our responsibility as parents to meet our children’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs, regardless of convenience or what we think our parenting journey “should” look like. Just as Jesus met people where they were; on the shore, in a boat, a garden at night or under a sycamore tree, we must meet our kids where they are. We are the parents God wanted for our children. What works for one family may not work for another, so this study is all about YOU creating your own style of parenting your children toward a place of safety and growth in Christ!


Program Contents:

Session #1  

What is your mission in parenting your children? In the Bible, parents are instructed to impress upon the hearts of their children the commands of the Lord, NOT to make their children turn our
picture perfect by the world’s standard, or even church culture standards.

Session #2  
Parenting for Healing


There are no easy answers to difficult circumstances, and there are no cookie cutter solutions. We do have Biblical examples of how God loves us, and our responsibility as parents to meet 
our children’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs, regardless of convenience or what we think our parenting journey should look like.

Session #3  

If you are parenting a child who has experienced trauma or neglect at the hands of people they should have been able to trust; abandonment; loss of a close adult relationship; separation… these children have some catching up to do in regards to trust.

Session #4  
Stress and Brain


Studies show that cementing new habits and behaviors in the brain takes approximately 400 repetitions… unless it is done through playful connection. In that case, it takes 10 to 20 repetitions.

Session #5

When a child receives messages of abandonment, that often becomes a voice of shame in their head telling them that it was their fault or that they were not good enough for someone they loved to want to stay in their lives. When children are misunderstood or not given
a voice to speak for themselves, shame creeps in and tells them their needs don’t matter.

Session #6


Discipling our children takes time, preparation and connection. It’s much quicker to point out a fault, hand down a consequence or punishment, and move on. But parenting isn’t about easy 
answers or quick resolutions.

Session #7
New Tools


We’ll review some options that will help your child learn, reinforce trust in you, and teach them to have safe and healthy relationships.

Session #8
Not Alone


It’s easy to believe that we are the only ones going through the specific situation we face, that only our kids have struggles, that we are the only parents who feel lost or at the end of our ropes. If and when you start hearing those voices in your head, you know it’s time to reach out for help.

Session #9
The End Game


As this study draws to a close, it’s important to again remind ourselves of what our end game  in parenting is, whatever our parenting journey looks like. Ultimately, our goal is to point our  children to God, the Ultimate Father.